Got Scale?: BlackSea Technologies is leading the charge in high-rate production for naval superiority 
Tori Custer Tori Custer

Got Scale?: BlackSea Technologies is leading the charge in high-rate production for naval superiority 

American industry once defined what it meant to build at scale—and it’s happening again. BlackSea Technologies is driving high-rate production for the Navy’s future fleet, delivering autonomous systems at the speed of relevance. While China’s shipbuilding machine churns ahead, the U.S. must embrace a new model: distributed, attritable platforms built and deployed in volume. The demand isn’t theoretical; the production can’t be, either. With two high-output facilities and a commitment to uninterrupted manufacturing, we’re already producing 32 GARCs per month—because warfighters need hardware, not concepts. The question isn’t whether large-scale production is possible. The question is: Got Scale?

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